Issue creating CPT

I’m having an issue creating a cpt.


Create a simple text file with colors (as hex).
I want constant color for each slice, so Color_min = Color_max (ref. 3.20.2. Regular CPTs):

# colors manually read off the map
cat<<eof > temp-ibcao.cpt
-6000 #2E5085 -5000 #2E5085
-5000 #3563A0 -4000 #3563A0
-4000 #3C77BC -3000 #3C77BC
-3000 #4897D3 -2000 #4897D3
-2000 #5AB9E9 -1000 #5AB9E9
-1000 #5CC3EB -500 #5CC3EB
-500 #78CEF0 -200 #78CEF0
-200 #94DAF5 -100 #94DAF5
-100 #B0E6FA -50 #B0E6FA
-50 #CDF2FF 0 #CDF2FF
0 #C3D150 50 #C3D150
50 #E2E166 100 #E2E166
100 #DFC45C 200 #DFC45C
200 #D3B251 300 #D3B251
300 #BD962F 400 #BD962F
400 #A37F2F 500 #A37F2F
500 #99762B 600 #99762B
600 #8F6E27 700 #8F6E27
700 #876824 800 #876824
800 #75581D 1000 #75581D
1000 #75581D 1001 #FFFFFF

Use makecpt -Ctemp-ibcao.cpt to make a proper cpt, with fore-, back- and NaN-colors:

# use makecpt to make proper cpt
$ gmt makecpt -Ctemp-ibcao.cpt 
-6000	46/80/133	-5000	46/80/133	
-5000	53/99/160	-4000	53/99/160	
-4000	60/119/188	-3000	60/119/188	
-3000	72/151/211	-2000	72/151/211	
-2000	90/185/233	-1000	90/185/233	
-1000	92/195/235	-500	92/195/14	B   <-- color_max != color_min
-500	120/206/240	-200	120/206/240	
-200	148/218/245	-100	148/218/245	
-100	176/230/250	-50	176/230/250	
-50	205/242/255	0	205/242/255	
0	195/209/80	50	195/209/80	
50	226/225/102	100	226/225/102	
100	223/196/92	200	223/196/92	
200	211/178/81	300	211/178/81	
300	189/150/47	400	189/150/47	
400	163/127/47	500	163/127/47	
500	153/118/43	600	153/118/2	B        <-- color_max != color_min 
600	143/110/39	700	143/110/39	
700	135/104/36	800	135/104/36	
800	117/88/29	1000	117/88/29	
1000	117/88/29	1001	white	
B	black
F	white
N	128

Everything looks as expected, except the color slices -1000 to -500 and 500 to 600. In these slices the Color_max is changed. In addition, these two slices get a B (the optional flag to indicate annotation of both limits of the particular z-slice of the color scale when plotted using colorbar, again ref. 3.20.2. Regular CPTs).

Why is this? Feature of bug? From testing, it seems like the default is that all slices get the L flag, except the last one, which gets a B flag. I cannot find much information about this in the docs.

If I manually add L to the two problem-slices, it works as expected:

cat<<eof > temp-ibcao.cpt
-6000 #2E5085 -5000 #2E5085
-5000 #3563A0 -4000 #3563A0
-4000 #3C77BC -3000 #3C77BC
-3000 #4897D3 -2000 #4897D3
-2000 #5AB9E9 -1000 #5AB9E9
-1000 #5CC3EB -500 #5CC3EB L
-500 #78CEF0 -200 #78CEF0
-200 #94DAF5 -100 #94DAF5
-100 #B0E6FA -50 #B0E6FA
-50 #CDF2FF 0 #CDF2FF
0 #C3D150 50 #C3D150
50 #E2E166 100 #E2E166
100 #DFC45C 200 #DFC45C
200 #D3B251 300 #D3B251
300 #BD962F 400 #BD962F
400 #A37F2F 500 #A37F2F
500 #99762B 600 #99762B L
600 #8F6E27 700 #8F6E27
700 #876824 800 #876824
800 #75581D 1000 #75581D
1000 #75581D 1001 #FFFFFF
$ gmt makecpt -Ctemp-ibcao.cpt 
-6000	46/80/133	-5000	46/80/133	
-5000	53/99/160	-4000	53/99/160	
-4000	60/119/188	-3000	60/119/188	
-3000	72/151/211	-2000	72/151/211	
-2000	90/185/233	-1000	90/185/233	
-1000	92/195/235	-500	92/195/235	L <-- correct, color_max = color_min
-500	120/206/240	-200	120/206/240	
-200	148/218/245	-100	148/218/245	
-100	176/230/250	-50	176/230/250	
-50	205/242/255	0	205/242/255	
0	195/209/80	50	195/209/80	
50	226/225/102	100	226/225/102	
100	223/196/92	200	223/196/92	
200	211/178/81	300	211/178/81	
300	189/150/47	400	189/150/47	
400	163/127/47	500	163/127/47	
500	153/118/43	600	153/118/43	L <-- correct, color_max = color_min
600	143/110/39	700	143/110/39	
700	135/104/36	800	135/104/36	
800	117/88/29	1000	117/88/29	
1000	117/88/29	1001	white	
B	black
F	white
N	128

I remember having a similar issue. Have You look in the forum?

Probably not enough. I’ll do some searching. Thanks Esteban.

Here’s your post @Esteban82; Purpose of column LB in CPTs.

Fixed. See #7423.

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