Issue with rms values for greenspline -Cn20+c+i

I remade the animation 5 but with this command

gmt greenspline geo.txt -Sc -Cn20+c+i -Ggeo.grd -Z2 -Emisfit.txt

This is the misfit.txt file. I notice that all the records have the same rms value (752.198173843). In the animation I see that the values are changing. Is this a bug?

# Command : gmt greenspline geo.txt -Sc -Cn20 -Ggeo.grd -Z2 -Emisfit.txt -R-158/-156.9666666666667/18/19.66666666666667+I0.01666666666666667/0.01666666666666667
# eigenno	eigenval	var_percent	rms
0	59177476.7	65.8905533939	752.198173843
1	37281370.3447	92.0418967819	752.198173843
2	19324372.0562	99.0681055505	752.198173843
3	6863523.97604	99.9544541832	752.198173843
4	1200156.86214	99.9815552443	752.198173843
5	641289.879832	99.9892930717	752.198173843
6	527868.265693	99.9945358486	752.198173843
7	390481.243194	99.997404717	752.198173843
8	214083.14701	99.9982670504	752.198173843
9	171116.511092	99.9988179775	752.198173843
10	142872.632768	99.9992020457	752.198173843
11	109407.162496	99.999427263	752.198173843
12	95358.8475819	99.999598356	752.198173843
13	69689.8562616	99.9996897357	752.198173843
14	58339.4126887	99.9997537732	752.198173843
15	54178.2469319	99.9998090013	752.198173843
16	45554.7853581	99.9998480474	752.198173843
17	36758.0204825	99.9998734697	752.198173843
18	34217.5598564	99.9998954994	752.198173843
19	31929.9545072	99.999914682	752.198173843

Looking at it now.

For the record, fixed by

BTW, @pwessel is it possible to select the range of grids that will be created?

I am thinking on something like this to only see from the 100th grid to the end.

gmt greenspline geo.txt -Sc -Cn100/"max"+c+i -Ggeo.grd -Z2 -Emisfit.txt