Lunar terrain

Next time don’t need to be so drastic. Just remove the cache dir in question. In this case


Hello All – Just wanted to say thanks again for all of your help. By adjusting some settings my students were able to use PyGMT to draw this graphic of the Tycho Crater. Again our thanks.

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Hello – In @yvonnefroehlich 's very helpful reply above, could PyGMT have taken us directly to the Tycho crater simply by name? That is, does it know where named lunar terrain features are, as JMARS does? Or failing that, is there some external source where one can send PyGMT to look up the coordinates of a named feature? Or must one simply look up and supply the coordinates to PyGMT for whatever feature one wishes to view?

Thanks again to all for your help. My students are making good progress.

Hello @dcalvis!!

In GMT there is the DCW collections (also this link) that allows you to do that but for now only with places on earth. This allows, for example, to make a map of the Mediterraen Sea just with its name (or code).

gmt coast -RIHO28 -Glightgray -B -pdf MediterraneanSea

Internally, GMT replaces the name (or code) with the region. This info is this file and looks like this:

 tag: IHO28 Mediterranean Sea
 region: -6.0319/36.2093/30.2662/45.7946

It is possible to add new records to this file (or to the local version on your pc I think). But to enter the coordinates into the file, you would have to see look them up and add them.

I don’t know if there is any Python tool that could do all this directly.

Thank you, @Esteban82 ! This is helpful. As I think of it, all we would really need is for someone out there to have created a .csv or similar file listing named features and corresponding coordinates. In fact, I wonder whether JMARS or PDS could output something like this, since each of these systems allows the user to look up features by name. Thinking out loud here. Again, many thanks.

A bit late to the show but if you’re interested in craters do a search for Lunar crater catalogue LU78287GT for 78287 impact craters with at least lat/lon/dia. For geological features Astropedia - Unified Geologic Map of the Moon, 1:5M, 2020 may be a useful lead.

Thank you, @KristofKoch ! These are excellent resources. Again thank you.