Make_dem.csh in GMT problem

I have a problem about DEM download using built-in script make_dem.csh in GMT. When I run this script the following error occurs:

START: make_dem.csh

grdcut [ERROR]: Remote download is currently deactivated grdcut [ERROR]: Unable to obtain remote file @earth_relief_03s rm: cannot remove ‘geoid_resamp.grd’: No such file or directory

created dem.grd, heights relative to WGS84 ellipsoid

END: make_dem.csh

I would appreciate if you could help me handle this issue Thank you so much.

Hello @Mojtaba0131,

welcome [again] to the GMT forum :slightly_smiling_face:!

Can you please provide the code related to the script make_dem.csh. Knowing your code makes it much easier for people to help you.

Maybe this line solve your issue.

Hi Esteban82,
Thank you for your prompt reply but unfortunately still doesn’t work

This is the dem that we need , hope it will be useful for you, you could use the translation.

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Mm, you could also have problems if you use a proxy to connect to internet.

If so, see this link:

Hm. Can you please state the GMT version you are using? For this you can run gmt --version in a console.

For me, it looks like the problem is related to downloading the dataset itself, not specificly to the script make_dem.csh. So, please run

gmt grdcut @earth_relief_03s -R-115/-112/32/35 -Gearth_relief_03s.grd -V


gmt grdcut @earth_relief_05s -R-115/-112/32/35 -Gearth_relief_05s.grd -V

and report the output.

Did you try changing the GMT_DATA_SERVER (see also Mirrors — The Generic Mapping Tools)?

Thank you for answer my question , my GMT version is 6.5.0 ,
I run it

You can see my screen
Thank you lady

it doesn’t work yet

Could it simply be a firewall problem ? It just seems that you can’t connect to remote servers.