Hi everyone,
I use “mgd77list” module to extract some data from aaa.m77t file and I have two problems:
gmt mgd77list aaa -Flon,lat,faa,rtime > aaa.txt
The first record in the .m77t file is always missing (although default number of headers equals zero!)
the nodata in “faa” column (empty cells) give “zero” in the output file, I need to remove any record that has nodata in “faa” column (“mgd77list” module does not permit the use of -d or -s options)
I modified the script to:
gmt mgd77list aaa -Flon,lat,faa,rtime,faa!=0 > aaa.txt
It removed the zero records,
but unfortunately there are some records the already have zero values (not empty cells) that I do not need to remove.