Module "grdtrack" : Manipulating individual tracks obtained through grdtrack

Respected Sirs,
I have obtained orthogonal track profiles (350 km length, 1 km sampling rate and 30arcsec distance between each profile) along a small circle fit to a curved relief feature (large east-west extent) (this small circle was obtained through fitcircle & project modules)

Now I have a large file containing a total of ~1800 individual orthogonal tracks (A total of 90 million elements in the file) The problem I am facing is how to manipulate the data in the file as I want according to my needs for eg. I want to calculate an average normal profile by summing up the corresponding elements of each track profile ( 1st element of each profile should added and likewise for each corresponding elements among each tracks, 2nd with all the 2nds , 3rd with all the 3rds … and that average profile be saved in a different file)

Actual Request: Is there any GMT module that can help me in achieving such manipulations of data in the file (without going for MATLAB for matrix-like facilities since I want to achieve what I want with either GMT or bash scripting) or if not then is there a different program available within bash world for it then please let me know so that I can learn and start using it. (Can gawk allow me to do such things??)

Code used for obtaining the track profiles:

gmt begin

  •   gmt grdtrack ResampledfitcircleMFTreq.txt -G@earth_relief_30s -R74/95/26/37 -C350k/1k -DTrackProfileorglines.txt -Vl > TrackProfiles.txt*

gmt end

the ResampledfitcircleMFTreq.txt contains equispaced (30 arcsec) nodes along the small circle obtained through fitcircle and project -G modules.

Any suggestion is most welcome.

Did you consider using the -S option to do that stacking? Have a look at example 33 in the gallery.

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Hadn’t considered the -S option. Let me go through it and try it to see if it fulfills my objectives.
Thank You for your continued help & suggestions. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I was able to do the intended operation using the -S option. Thank You very much for redirecting me to the correct place. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: