No such file or directory of gmtset

Hello everyone

I need to run a code called FigureGen to visualize the results of a Ocean Circulation model, ADCIRC. In order to do that, I must have GMT, ghost-script and some other required softwares installed on my machine properly. I installed all I need, at least, I think so, but every time I run the FigureGen code I get the same error:


Core 0000 processed the grid file.
Core 0000 computed the contour range … Minimum ~ 0.00m, Maximum ~ 1.00m.
Core 0000 created the contour palettes.


sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/bin/gmtset: No such file or directory
Core 0000 started record 0001.
Core 0000 wrote the XYZ files for record 0001.
sh: /usr/bin/mapproject: No such file or directory
At line 5843 of file FigureGen49.F90 (unit = 30, file = ‘Temp/mapproject.0001-01-01-01.out’)
Fortran runtime error: End of file

If anyone has any experience like this or has a hint, I’ll really be happy to hear.


I think your case is very dependent of your local environment.
Assuming that FigureGen is a sh script and you are working in a Linux like environment, you could try the command:
grep '/usr/bin/gmtset' path_to_FigureGen/FigureGen
If it return something (I think it will), then who make FigureGen expected a very particular GMT installation.
If I could, I would edit FigureGen to remove all path to GMT commands (/usr/bin/) and put the GMT bin directory in the PATH environment variable.
I think to give any more advice, we need to know more of your local environment. Eventually it will be more easy to you if you could ask it to who make this script or someone that are using it.