Old Map of Nepal

I am GMT user from Nepal.map of Nepal has been changed but GMT is using the old map.how can I get modified map of Nepal in GMT

Hello. What do you mean with “changed”? The borders?

I think the borders and coastlines in GMT are mostly from 1970’s databases, so more recent changes than that are not in the default GMT “coast” plotting. If you want a more recent border database, you may need to get it from another source like OpenStreetMap and convert it to GMT format for plotting.

Hi @ram2345 – I’m not familiar with the Nepalese boundaries. Does the OpenStreetMap Project show them the way you need them (great suggestion by @EJFielding)?

If yes, you can extract them on https://osm-boundaries.com/. Next step would be converting them with GDAL to a GMT-readable format. Now you can plot them with GMT.

gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge2l3.txt -W.12 -Sc.10c -Gblue -l"M2-2.9"
gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge3l4.txt -W.12 -Sc.12c -Gorange -l"M3-3.9"
gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge4l5.txt -W.12 -Sc.14c -Gbrown -l"M4-4.9"
gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge5l6.txt -W.12 -Sc.16c -Gcyan -l"M5-5.9"
gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge6l7.txt -W.12 -Sc.18c -Gmagenta -l"M6-6.9"
gmt plot adhikari_yamada_2compltge7.txt -W.12 -Sa.8c -Gyellow -l"M ≥ 7"
gmt legend -DjBR+w2.5c/2.5c -F+p1p+ggray95+s

this code does not print greater than equal to symbol in legend box.
some one please suggest what went wrong

Replace the actual symbol with its octal code