Pen style not work for MAP_GRID_PEN

Hi, everyone,

I found the pen style dose not work when set in MAP_GRID_PEN.

gmt basemap -Rd -JQ5i -Bafg --MAP_GRID_PEN=4p,black,dotted  -png test1
gmt basemap -Rd -JQ5i -Bafg --MAP_GRID_PEN=4p,black         -png test2

The first line gives this:

The second line gives:

Can you please open an issue with this?

You can get your figure is you set the theme to classic. I think that the issue the modern mode uses the auto theme.

gmt basemap -Rd -JQ5i -Bafg --MAP_GRID_PEN=4p,black,dotted --GMT_THEME=classic -png test2