Plotting data availability and data gap on same plot

I have 3 station names having the name ASD, AFD and CDF respectively(column-1). And each station has started recording the data from a day to another day(column 2 and 3)
.however in some days data recording has stopped because of power issue of the sensor, so there is gaps in the data (column 4 and 5)

I want to plot the data recording of each station from 2014-01-01 to 2019-01-01 and data gaps which is given below for each station input.csv

station    data_recording_start                       data_recording_end                        data_recording_stopped_from        data_recording_stopped_to
ASD        2014-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           nan                                                         nan
ASD        2014-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
ASD        2014-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
AFD        2015-01-01T13:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
AFD        2015-01-01T13:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
AFD        2015-01-01T13:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
CDF        2018-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
CDF        2018-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00
CDF        2018-01-01T00:12:00                    2019-01-01T00:12:00                           2015-01-25T00:12:00                          2015-01-28T00:12:00

I want to plot a chart where the x -axis should contain the month and year and y -axis should contain the stations name. My plot using pygmt should looks like this

i hope experts may help me on this kind of plot.Thanks in advance.

Some inspiration.

gmt set GMT_THEME minimal

cat <<eof > temp.yannot
1 afg DSDP
2 afg ODP
3 afg IODrP
4 afg IODP

gmt psbasemap -R1968/2021/0.8/4.2 -JX8c/4c -K -Bx10af5g10 -Byctemp.yannot -Byaf -B+t"Timeline, 1968 - p.t." > $ps

gmt psxy -R -J -Wfatter,black -O <<eof >> $ps
1968 1
1983 1
1985 2
2003 2
2004 3
2013 3
2013 4
2021 4

gmt psconvert -TG -A -Z $ps

rm temp.yannot gmt.conf gmt.history

Thanks Andreas, Here data gap is not included, can you please help me plotting both the data availability and data gap in the single plot.

I would create two dataset using logical in math module.
One with the “available” (where it matches a synthetic continuous time-series) and one with the “gap” (where it doesn’t match the aforementioned time-series)

Then you can plot both in whatever colour you like.

ok please provide the demo script.