Plotting focal mechanisms and faults


I have two queries which are related to plotting focal mechanism and faults in GMT. The details are below;

  1. User can plot focal mechanisms using Global CMT data format which are for example as below;
lon lat str1 dip1 rake1 str2 dip2 rake2 sc iexp name
167.44 -16.64 324 35 69 170 58 104 2.188 24 202001102006A 

This format of data have values for (strike1,dip1,rake1 & strike2,dip2,rake2) for nodal plane 1 and 2.
Query is if user want to plot this data using Aki and Richards format which require values of (strike,dip,rake), so whether user have to use (strike1,dip1,rake1) or (strike2,dip2,rake2) values for focal mechanism plotting? Whether user have to use first nodal plane values or second nodal plane values for focal mechanism plotting and for other work, which one is correct?

  1. User can plot fault data by digitizing the faults byself using some graphic software and then plot it with GMT.
    Query is there any digital database available for global and local faults which user can use directly to plot these in GMT without digitizing?

Thanks for valuable suggestions.