Psimage overlay

I am new to gmt. I created a global map and I am trying to add a image of a satellite to the globe. Can someone tell me what I am doing incorrectly. The map gets created but the satellite does not appear on the globe. If run separate the the satellite does get created.

gmt pscoast -Rg -JG45/-20/6i -Bag -Dc -Gforestgreen -Sblue3 -P > ~/Desktop/ gmt psimage ~/sat.png -Dg45/-20+w1i -Rg -JG >> ~/Desktop/ gmt psconvert -A+s4c -Tg ~/

HI. If you are a new user you should start with modern mode. You are running classic mode but you are not properly using the -O -K options needed to create a valid PostScript program. See any of the examples in the tutorial for details.

I can’t get the newer version of gmt installed. So i am stuck using gmt 5.4.5. I did figure it out.