Psxy, color bar, azimuth

I am working on shear wave splitting analysis. I want to plot my results with a constant length bar and use a color palette to show the amplitude.

I wonder how can I replace the standard

gmt psxy data -R -JM6i -Sv0.2i+jc -W2p,blue if I have an input file like
Longitude Latitude Azimuth Amplitude
-100 45 50 0.75


You can use the -i option to specify which input columns to use and in what order.

Thanks but I am not sure how it works and how can I get a figure like below

gmt psxy data -R -JM6i -Sv0.2i+jc -W2p -Camp.cpt

Longitude Latitude Azimuth Amplitude
-100 45 50 0.75


Example: Adding -i0:2,3+s0.1 will scale your amplitudes by a factor of 0.1 and then use the resulting value as the vector length in cm. E.g., the 0.75 will become 0.075 cm. You will need to figure out a good scale based on all our amplitudes, of course.