Psxy -g option with binary data

I probably should enter this as a bug report on the github page, but I can’t seem to locate it!

Running version: Version 6.3.0_6065f93_2021.07.07

It seems that a segmentation fault error (11) gets issued when feeding a two-column binary file to psxy with the option -gxgap, where “gap” is a number. The same -g option works fine with a text version (i.e., after sending the binary file through gmtconvert).

psxy works fine with my binary file, when -gx option is omitted.

Given this data (in text format, note the gap in the x-coord data, after 394.994):

394.989	1168.18
394.99	1168.18
394.991	1168.19
394.992	1168.2
394.993	1168.25
394.994	1168.33
395.075	1168.03
395.076	1168.28
395.077	1168.25
395.078	1168.23
395.079	1168.22
395.08	1168.21
395.081	1168.2
395.082	1168.19
395.083	1168.19

Save this data as t.txt, and run psxy -gx, for example:

gmt psxy -JX9i/6.5i -R394.95/395.1/1167.5/1168.5 t.txt -W1p -Bxag -Byag -BWeSn -gx0.01 >

That works just fine.

But, if you convert this sample data to binary (e.g., gmt gmtconvert t.txt -bo2d > t.bin), then run it, like this, you’ll get a segment fault result:

> gmt psxy -JX9i/6.5i -R394.95/395.1/1167.5/1168.5 -bi2d t.bin -W1p -Bxag -Byag -BWeSn -gx0.01 > $OUTMAP
ERROR: Caught signal number 11 (Segmentation fault: 11) at
0   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c0aae40 gmtlib_read_table + 1920
1   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
Stack backtrace:
0   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c01e8f2 sig_handler + 594
1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff6ab9c5fd _sigtramp + 29
2   ???                                 0x0000000117f08b8d 0x0 + 4696607629
3   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c04f32a gmtapi_import_data + 4986
4   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c03abcc gmtapi_get_data + 348
5   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c031f42 GMT_Read_Data + 3970
6   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c3b9f2a GMT_psxy + 14266
7   libgmt.6.dylib                      0x000000010c042f82 GMT_Call_Module + 2162
8   gmt                                 0x000000010c008573 main + 1459
9   libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff6a9a3cc9 start + 1

Fix submitted to GitHub:
To report bugs, please go directly to

Now merged into master.

Thanks, Paul. I updated GMT on my system and bookmarked the GitHub site. Anything else buggy that I might find, I’ll direct it to GitHub.