PyGMT v0.1.1 released

:checkered_flag: Announcing PyGMT v0.1.1, a bugfix release especially for Windows users! :checkered_flag:

Following on tight from v0.1.0 released almost 3 weeks ago, we are pleased to once again present a new version of PyGMT that is now properly supported on Windows! A very big thanks to @seisman for finding the source of the problem and fixing them all in a week! Here are some of the key changes in this patch release:

  • Let PyGMT work with the conda GMT package on Windows (#434)
  • Handle setting special parameters without default settings for config (#411)
  • Add PyGMT AGU 2019 poster to website (#425)
  • Set GMT_COMPATIBILITY to 6 when pygmt session starts (#432)

The full list of changes can be found in the changelog. Special mention to @liamtoney and @MarkWieczorek for filing detailed reports for some of the bugs that were fixed in this release. Installation instructions can be found at Installing โ€” PyGMT. We are excited to say that the pygmt package is now available for download on all platforms (Linux, macOS & Windows) from both PyPI and conda-forge!

Disclaimer: The package package is still undergoing rapid development, and the API is subject to change in future releases. For example, Iโ€™m working on an experimental interface similar to matplotlibโ€™s pyplot (see below) and would be happy to hear what the community might want PyGMT to look like in future versions.

Roadmap to v0.2.0

Looking into the future, here are some new features being planned:

  • Experimental subplot implementation that mimics matplotlibโ€™s syntax (#427)
  • Implement subplot wrapper (#412)
  • Documentation fixes (e.g. #79)
  • etc

As usual, weโ€™re open to contributions from new users, and would love to get more feedback on what how PyGMT can be improved! Feel free to ask us questions here on the forum, or submit bug reports on our Github issue tracker.

Enjoy :partying_face:

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Congrats @weiji14 and @seisman from the C-ellar on the updated release!