Question about psxy -Sf option

Hi to all,

I need to plot some fault data with -sf option. my dataset contains some syncline fault and I want to show it by the inverted triangles in Sf case. I have uploaded some sample png to show what my codes done and which type of triangle that I need.
In other words, I want to use -sf with t however, triangles should be inverted same as the figure attached.

Here is my code:
gmt psbasemap -JM18c -R33.7/33.9/38.33/38.4 -BWESN -Bx0.1 -By0.1 -K -Y6.37 -P > $ps
gmt pscoast -Df -I3/0.25p,blue -W0.25p,black -I1/0.25p,blue -R -J -Glightbrown -Slightskyblue -O -K >> $ps

gmt psxy syncline.gmt -R -J -Sf0.4c/0.04+t0.3c+o0.11c -W1.0,100/0/150 -G100/0/150 -O -K >> $ps



It is a good point. For whatever reason we did not consider inverted triangles. I have now added this to GMT and we are awaiting approval and merging.

Dear Dr. Wessel,

Thanks for your quick reply. I think it is a very useful update to plotting syncline folds. Because, the inverted triangle is the general symbol for that fault. Thanks again.

Now merged into master. So if you build from source you can get to this now, or wait for 6.3.0 hopefully next week.