Remote datasets download error

hello, I can’t download earth relief and crustal age with resolution higher than 06m via grdimage module, and what are tiles?

The grids at higher resolution than 6m are split into tiles and reassembled as needed. Please post any error message you received since hard for us to guess what your terminal said.

I am writing the script into a batch file using windows 10:

gmt begin 05m png
gmt basemap -R-25/60/-40/45 -JM15c -Ba20f10
gmt grdimage @earth_relief_05m
gmt end show

Here is my cmd screen after running the script:

C:\Users\Win 10\Desktop>gmt begin 05m png

C:\Users\Win 10\Desktop>gmt basemap -R-25/60/-40/45 -JM15c -Ba20f10

C:\Users\Win 10\Desktop>gmt grdimage @earth_relief_05m
grdblend [ERROR]: File C:/Users/Win was not found
grdblend [ERROR]: Cannot find file C:/Users/Win
grdblend [ERROR]: Cannot find file 10/.gmt/sessions/gmt_session.11448/
grdimage [ERROR]: ERROR - Unable to produce blended grid from C:/Users/Win 10/.gmt/sessions/gmt_session.11448/=tiled_218_PX.000000
[Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_GRID_READ_ERROR (18)
[Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_GRID_READ_ERROR (18)

C:\Users\Win 10\Desktop>gmt end show

What GMT version?
If not latest version, please update before reporting troubles.

version 6.1.1

So, …

Should I use 6.4?


ok I will try it. thank you.