Selection based on segment header value -Zval

Hello all,

is there a way to do selection from a multi segment file based on segment header values?
e.g. i have such a file and want to select segments with -Z > 0.3 (hope it is not too trivial !!!)

 38.01660 38.21025  0.50000
 38.12926 38.22511  0.50000
 38.12893 38.22655  9.50000
 38.01627 38.21169  9.50000
 38.00179 38.20296  0.58000
 37.96190 38.11862  0.58000
 37.98032 38.11319  9.42000
 38.02023 38.19752  9.42000
 37.26096 38.01535  0.58000
 37.36783 37.98445  0.58000
 37.37458 37.99904  9.42000
 37.26769 38.02994  9.42000
 37.20471 38.01427  0.50000
 37.31859 38.01423  0.50000
 37.31859 38.01567  9.50000
 37.20471 38.01571  9.50000

I would probably preprocess through a small perl program
something on the lines of:

m/^>-Z(.*)/ and $cap=($1 > 0.3);
print $_ if($cap)

and then pipe to your chosen gmt module

I think not, but seems a reasonable feature request for gmt select -Z to accept a new modifier +h to pick up the z-value from the header instead of the third column(and hence it applies to each record in the segment).

This is also doable with csplit(1), I think.

Maybe a bit too much, but a fun exercise in bash.

# split every segment into individual files
$ csplit --prefix=split_ --elide-empty-files f "/>-Z/0" "{*}"

# get the name of files containing Z.3 (i.e. 0.3)
$ grep -l "Z\.3" split_0*

Very fragile because I didn’t care to parse the header and convert to floats

julia> D = gmtread("zvals_.dat")
Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}} with 4 segments
Show first segment. To see other segments just type its element number. E.g. D[7]

BoundingBox: [38.01627, 38.12926, 38.21025, 38.22655, 0.5, 9.5]
Header: -Z.390000
4×3 GMTdataset{Float64, 2}
 Row │   col.1    col.2    col.3
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64
   1 │ 38.0166  38.2103      0.5
   2 │ 38.1293  38.2251      0.5
   3 │ 38.1289  38.2266      9.5
   4 │ 38.0163  38.2117      9.5

julia> ind = [D[k].header > "-Z.3" for k=1:length(D)]
4-element Vector{Bool}:

julia> D03 = D[ind]
Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}} with 2 segments
Show first segment. To see other segments just type its element number. E.g. D[7]

BoundingBox: [38.01627, 38.12926, 38.21025, 38.22655, 0.5, 9.5]
Header: -Z.390000
4×3 GMTdataset{Float64, 2}
 Row │   col.1    col.2    col.3
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64
   1 │ 38.0166  38.2103      0.5
   2 │ 38.1293  38.2251      0.5
   3 │ 38.1289  38.2266      9.5
   4 │ 38.0163  38.2117      9.5

I cannot see csplit working for things like get segments where -Zval is between 4 and 6.7. Hard to beat

gmt select oldfile.txt -Z4/6.7+h > those only.txt

even in Julia or Python.

But there is no +h modifier in gmtselect -Z! And -Z operates on 3rd column while the question was on how operate on header encoded option.

How was the GMT vector file with the -Z values created? It might be easier to change the code that created the file in the first place.

Hello all,
THANK you for all suggestions !! i finally solved it using a small external code. Although such a code is easy to write (Maybe!) it would be nice for GMT to have such a feature included.

yes it would make sense but file was given to me !!

I know there is no +h. See earlier about me proposing it.

Such a filter option would be a great feature to have!

For those who wish to try this feature, check out this branch, build and explore:

Now approved and merged into the master branch so should be easy to get to for @chhei-s and @esokos to try out!