Splitxyz not working as expected

Hi all, I’m trying to split my trackline data into line segments using splitxyz. Below is the command I’m using

gmt splitxyz sample.txt  -fg -C45 -Vl > split.txt

sample.txt has: lon lat and depth values

Attached is the image of the track plot. splitxyz is only splitting the data into 5 segments, but the data contains about 30 segments. Can you please let me know where I’m doing it wrong. Thanks.

Without data there is nothing one can investigate. Our splitxyz test works fine

Here is the data
sample.zip (345.4 KB)

splitxyz sample.dat -fg -C45 -Vl > split.dat
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Processing input table data
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Reading Data Table from File sample.dat
splitxyz [WARNING]: Mismatch between actual (2) and expected (3) fields near line 1 in file
splitxyz [ERROR]: Mismatch between actual (2) and expected (3) fields near line 2 in file sample.dat
splitxyz [ERROR]: Input data have 0 column(s) but at least 3 are needed

and with a lower tolerance and 3 columns

 awk '{print $0, 0}' sample.dat | splitxyz -fg -C30 -Vl > split.dat
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Processing input table data
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Reading Data Table from Stream 7ffff132fc00
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Writing Data Table to Standard Output stream
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Working on file <stdin>
splitxyz [INFORMATION]:  Split 34026 data into 24 segments.
splitxyz [INFORMATION]: Write Data Table to <stdout>