Subplot of a subplot

I want to visualize data on a global Earth, with views of the equatorial region (Mollweide, -JW), and separate views of the north/south poles (orthographic, -JG). To keep things compact, I’d like a layout like the following:

Row 1: Mollweide1            Mollweide2           Mollweide3
Row 2: Ortho1a Ortho1b     Ortho2a Ortho2b     Ortho3a Ortho3b

So in other words, I want to fit 2 orthographic maps in the same horizontal space as a single Mollweide map in the previous row. So essentially for the second row, I want to divide each panel into 2 equal panels (subplot of a subplot).

Here is an attempt I made to do this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# subplot dimensions

gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE plain

np_proj="-JG0/90/${SUBPLOT_HEIGHT} -R-180/180/60/90"
sp_proj="-JG180/-90/${SUBPLOT_HEIGHT} -R/-180/180/-90/-60"

gmt begin figure png

  gmt subplot begin 1x3 -Fs${SUBPLOT_WIDTH1}/${SUBPLOT_HEIGHT}

    gmt subplot set 0,0
    gmt basemap ${eq_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,1
    gmt basemap ${eq_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,2
    gmt basemap ${eq_proj} -B0

  gmt subplot end

  gmt subplot begin 1x6 -Fs${SUBPLOT_WIDTH2}/${SUBPLOT_HEIGHT}

    gmt subplot set 0,0
    gmt basemap ${np_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,1
    gmt basemap ${sp_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,2
    gmt basemap ${np_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,3
    gmt basemap ${sp_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,4
    gmt basemap ${np_proj} -B0

    gmt subplot set 0,5
    gmt basemap ${sp_proj} -B0

  gmt subplot end

gmt end show

And here is the result:

Can anyone suggest how to fix the plot? Also, if anyone knows of a nicer way to visualize all areas of the Earth in some nice way, I’d be interested in an example :slight_smile:

Suggest you do 2x3 with desired size for your -JW, then for row two you will need to plot two orthplots in each panel, using -X and -J with arguments to place the two as you want them.