Symbol to label X axis at slight or 90 degree (horizontal)

Good afternoon all, trust we all are doing great. Please, I want to label my plot (X axis) at an angle 90 (Horizontal label), I tried to go through the documentation could not locate the symbol for it, please I need help for the symbol
below is is the code
Thanks and kind regards
gmt psxy -R1/143/0.0/16.0 -JX12c Amp.dat -Sc0.1i+b0 -Gblue -Bxa1f1+l"stations" -Bya5f1+l"amplitude (mm)" >

part of the data
1015 0.446
1029 0.307
1038 0.457
1043 0.093
1046 0.527
1072 0.141
1122 0.433
1146 0.678
1166 0.44
1173 0.154
1179 0.135
1202 0.144
1224 0.769
1230 2.379
1234 1.456
1239 1.089
1248 1.097
1267 0.918
1307 0.336
1308 0.331
1316 0.954
1318 0.623
1319 1.564
1322 14.96
1334 1.073
1339 1.282
1341 0.681
1354 1.388
1360 0.321
1366 0.776
1371 1.493
1397 0.578
1398 0.519
1443 1.041
1446 0.411
1563 0.467
1676 1.822
1688 5.692
2174 3.946
2317 0.653
2465 1.234
2481 1.376
2603 0.797
2625 1.501
2630 1.084
2733 0.99
2772 0.512
3157 1.34
3158 1.232
3186 0.878
3557 0.321
3852 0.908
4187 0.081
4189 1.099
4190 0.193
4192 0.841
4194 1.173
4197 1.796
4198 1.745

See the modifier +a of the -B option. Something like -Bxa1f1+a90+l"stations" should do it (or close because you are asking for a too much annotations).

Note, you posted in the GMT.jl channel but there is nothing Julian in your question.

oh sorry it was mistake not GMT.j1 it supposed GMT.
Thanks for the try it.
I am grateful