Text outline with -M option

In GMT 6.3, I’m able to outline the text with these two simple lines
gmt text regional_city.txt -D0.01i -F+f4=1.230+jBL
gmt text regional_city.txt -D0.01i -F+f4+jBL

However, as in certain cases the city names could be too long and overlapping, I decided to use the -M gmt text option. So I shaped my file as asked:
> -15.41343 28.09973 0.12 1 l
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
> -16.25462 28.46824 0.12 1 l
Santa Cruz de Tenerife

and the same command with -M.

Unfortunately there are no outlines visible. I tried to include the font size and colour in the file, but to no avail.

Is there any other way to do it with this option?

Kinds regards

I do not think outline font is supported in paragraph mode -M.

Ok thank you.