Getting my data timetagged with,eg, 2024_222 I began with
gmt gmtset FORMAT_DATE_MAP yyyy_jjj
before giving my boundaries to psbasemap.
It tells me
psbasemap [ERROR]: Could not parse 2024_222 into Geographical, Cartesian, or Temporal coordinates!
psbasemap [ERROR]: Offending option -R2024_222/2024_286/11.5054/11.5424
How could I avoid offending it?
and -fT
echo 2024_222 | gmt info --FORMAT_DATE_IN=yyyy_jjj -fT
<Standard Input>: N = 1 <2024-08-09T00:00:00/2024-08-09T00:00:00>
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Your command works fine in my script.
I had already set FORMAT_DATE_IN and OUT but psbasemap does not accept that format.
It is hard to help you without seeing your code.
It tells me
psbasemap [ERROR]: Could not parse 2024_222 into Geographical, Cartesian, or Temporal coordinates!
psbasemap [ERROR]: Offending option -R2024_222/2024_286/11.5054/11.5424
How could I avoid offending it?
The part in your error message behind ...
contained detailed explanations:
Use [yyyy[-mm[-dd]]]T[hh[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]]] format for time axes.
Basically you cannot specify date range as YYYY_jjj in the -R
some spaghetti bash code according to suggestion by @Esteban82 :
gmt basemap -R$(printf "2024_222\n2024_286\n" | gmt info --FORMAT_DATE_IN=yyyy_jjj -fT -C | awk '{printf"%s/%s", $1,$2}')/11.5054/11.5424 -BWSen -Bafg -png quick --FORMAT_DATE_MAP=yyyy_jjj
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