Transparency issue upgrading to GMT 6.5.0

Dear all.
We are creating maps for several years now, using GMT. It works incredibly fine, however we need to upgrade our old server and run into trouble concerning transparency.
The old server uses GMT 6.1.1 with Ghostscript 9.26. Everything works fine there.
The new server uses GMT 6.5.0 with Ghostscript 10.02.1.
As mentioned, transparency is not working on the new server. I tried to narrow the possible failure sources and did the following.

  1. Create .ps on new server and convert to .pdf on new server → no transparency
  2. Create .ps on new server and convert to .pdf on old server → no transparency (so the .ps seems to be wrong)
  3. Create .ps on old server and convert to .pdf on new server → no transparency (so ps2pdf seems to be wrong as well).

I don’t know where to start in order to resolve the issues. Any ideas? Would love to shutdown the old Ubuntu 18 machine and switch to the new Ubuntu 24 machine…

Thanks for your outstanding work. Would be great if I could solve the problem with your support…


PS: If you need any further info, screenshots, files, … please let me know.

For GMT 6.5.0, you need to use ghostscript>=10.03.
For GMT 6.3.0-6.4.0, you need to use ghostscript 9.53-9.56.

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Thank you for the fast response. Upgrading Ghostscript to the latest version and using gmt psconvert instead of ps2pdf solved my transparency problems. Therefore I am having trouble now with custom fonts that are not used by the new Ghostscript version, but that’s not GMT related, so I will look for help elsewhere.
Thanks for your help!!!