Trouble getting pscontour to print label contours

How do you set annotation flags for pscontour in a cpt file?

I’m having trouble getting pscontour to print label contours. I’m plotting a simple x-y plot with z values between -210.0 and +70.0 via the following pscontour call:

pscontour -R38.0/107.0/0.0375/0.1275 -JX1.9/1.6 -Ba10.0f5.0/a0.01f0.01Ws -Ccolorfile.cpt -I -L -W2/0/0/0 -X1.9 -Y7.7 -K >&

where colorfile.cpt looks like:

cpt file created by: makecpt -I -Cpolar -T-210/210/20


-210 120 12 12 -190 120 12 12
-190 140 36 36 -170 140 36 36
-170 160 61 61 -150 160 61 61
-150 180 85 85 -130 180 85 85
-130 200 109 109 -110 200 109 109
-110 220 134 134 -90 220 134 134
-90 240 158 158 -70 240 158 158
-70 255 182 182 -50 255 182 182
-50 255 206 206 -30 255 206 206
-30 255 231 231 -10 255 231 231
-10 255 255 255 10 255 255 255
10 231 231 255 30 231 231 255
30 206 206 255 50 206 206 255
50 182 182 255 70 182 182 255
B 0 0 0
F 255 255 255
N 128 128 128

In Section 4.15.2 of the GMT Docs it seems to suggest that the annotation is the final column after a semi-colon e.g.,

50 182 182 255 70 182 182 255 ;+70

But it also suggests this is only for psscale.

The pscontour man page says that: “Only contours that have annotation flags set will be annotated.”

But what is the syntax for setting pscontour annotation flags in a cpt file?

Labels in CPTs are only for psscale/colorbar
If the usage message is correct you should just need to add -A.