Van Allen belt

And to terminate (for now) my series on the 3D plots I’m leaving here my last slide of the AGU presentation. A more elaborated example and therefor, longer script and depends on 2 images not posted here. But to get the idea.

az, el = 130, 30				# Azimuth and elevation of the view
xyz = ellipse3D(center=(1.1,0,0), e=0.51878959, plane=:xz, np=72);
ang_s, ang_e = 0, 200			# Start and End angles of the revolution
FV = revolve(xyz, ang1=ang_s, ang2=ang_e);
FVell = flatfv("vanallen.jpg", shape=xyz);

grdimage("@earth_day_01d", proj="G0/$(el)/3", margin=0, name=:marble)
cpt = makecpt(range="0/1", C="darkblue,lightblue")
plot3(FV, view=(az,el), cmap=cpt, frame=:none,
      pagebg=(image="sunny-milky-way.png", width=0.80, off=(1.0,-1.0), logo=1))

rotate!(FVell, rz=ang_e-ang_s);		# Rotate the Van Allen image to put on the other tube's extremity

xyz = ellipse3D(0.3, plane=:xz);	      # Circle for the Earth
FV = flatfv("marble.png", shape=xyz);
rotate!(FV, rx=-el, rz=180-az);		# Rotate the circle to be orthogonal to the view vector
plot3!(FV, name="vallen_belt.jpg", show=true)