What's going on here with grdview?

I’m trying to plot a perspective view of the Innsbruck, Austria area.

But for some reason the upper part remains invisible:

I don’t really understand why this doesn’t work.

Some code to play with:

inn_color.tif (334.3 KB)

gmt begin inn_true_colors_shaded jpg
  gmt basemap -JL11.5/47/46.5/47.5/20c -R10.5/12.2/46.7/47.8 -B -p205/35
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_03s -Ginn_color.tif -I+a315+ne0.3+m0 -JZ0.6c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

Same thing here.
It is not a solution, but I noted that if using -JM20c it works.

Thank you for confirming this @MarceloBanik. Pinging @pwessel and @Joaquim for some ideas?

Still not sure what’s going on here. Some further experimentation:




Code to play with:

test_img.tiff (148.0 KB)

gmt begin p170_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL11.5/47/46.5/47.5/20c -R10.5/12.2/46.7/47.8 -B -p170/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_03s -Gtest_img.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.6c -Qi150 -p
gmt end show

Using GMT version: 6.2.0_3b552d3_2021.02.19
Using GhostScript version: 9.50

Something is weird with that tif file

grdinfo inn_color.tif
inn_color.tif: Title: Grid imported via GDAL
inn_color.tif: Command:
inn_color.tif: Remark:
inn_color.tif: Pixel node registration used [Cartesian grid]
inn_color.tif: Grid file format: gd = Import/export through GDAL
inn_color.tif: x_min: 10.5 x_max: 12.2 x_inc: 0.00132501948558 name: x n_columns: 1283
inn_color.tif: y_min: 46.7 y_max: 47.8 y_inc: 0.000899427636958 name: y n_rows: 1223
inn_color.tif: v_min: 39 v_max: 238 name: z
inn_color.tif: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=11.35 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +R=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs

gdalinfo inn_color.tif
Origin = (10.500000000000000,47.799999999999997)
Pixel Size = (0.001325019485581,-0.000899427636958)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  10.5000000,  47.8000000) ( 11d21' 0.34"E,  0d 0' 1.55"N)
Lower Left  (  10.5000000,  46.7000000) ( 11d21' 0.34"E,  0d 0' 1.51"N)
Upper Right (  12.2000000,  47.8000000) ( 11d21' 0.39"E,  0d 0' 1.55"N)
Lower Right (  12.2000000,  46.7000000) ( 11d21' 0.39"E,  0d 0' 1.51"N)
Center      (  11.3500000,  47.2500000) ( 11d21' 0.37"E,  0d 0' 1.53"N)
Band 1 Block=256x256 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined

Even GDAL cannot convert from dd.xxxx to dd:mm:ss?

Hi @Joaquim, thank you for looking into this. I made a .tiff from scratch so no weird data in the file but the problem persists:

Have a try for yourself:

test_tile_2520.tiff (398.4 KB)

gmt begin tile_p225_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p225/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

When I try to use it with the subplot machinery it gets really wild:

But I think there might be a problem with me using the subplot machinery or the subplot machinery itself as well. When I plot the different perspective views separately they only show the behavior of the missing areas but are scaled correctly:

-p180/45 this appears to be correct

-p225/45 NE corner missing

-p270/45 southern rim missing, northern map frame is incomplete

-p315/45 NE corner missing

-p0/45 this appears to be correct

-p45/45 NE corner missing

-p90/45 southern rim missing, northern map frame is incomplete

-p135/45 NE corner missing

All the code to play with:

gmt begin tile_p0_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p0/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p45_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p45/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p90_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p90/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p135_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p135/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p180_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p180/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p225_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p225/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p270_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p270/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

gmt begin tile_p315_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p315/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

There are weird things happening with images and projections. I already spent days trying to debug it but the pad is killing me. Note that this works, but not if I try to join it in a command like yours.

grdproject @earth_relief_10m -R0/20/40/60 -J+proj=lcc+lon_0=10+lat_0=50+lat_1=46.7+lat_2=55.3+x_0=0+y_0=0+ellps=GRS80+units=m+no_defs -Glixo.grd
grdproject [WARNING]: x_inc does not divide 180; geographic boundary condition changed to natural.

grdview lixo.grd -JX10 -Baf -BWSen -n+a -p205/35 -Qi300 -I+a315+ne0.3+m0 -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -P > lixo.ps

Ok, do you have an idea how to work around this for the moment?

Well, since my last example seems to work you may use it, together with what is done in example 28, as a workaround.

@Joaquim would you kindly explain to me how example 28 “Mixing UTM and geographic data sets” would help me?

Because when I use a rectangular projection like -JM it works out of the box:

gmt begin JM_tile_p225_45 png
  gmt basemap -JM5c -R0/20/40/60 -B -p225/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

So I thought I give -JL -R+r a try but I’m not sure I understand what controls the placement of the draped image:

gmt begin pR_tile_p225_45 png
  gmt basemap -JL10/50/46.7/55.3/5c -R0/40/20/60+r -B -p225/45
  gmt grdview @earth_relief_10m -Gtest_tile_2520.tiff -I+a315+ne0.2+m0 -JZ0.4c -Qi300 -p
gmt end show

Well, the idea is: if by projecting first and get cartesians the draping works then the technique in ex28 would allow drawing a geographic frame, if that is desired.

Ah, now I got it. Thank you!