Why doesn't the 2nd figure in subplot show?

Please help me understand why the second figure in the subplot doesn’t appear. FullScript attached below.

gmt begin bcdmapblk
gmt subplot begin 1x2 -T"Blue Canyon Dome Site Figure" -Fs30c/30c -M0.5c -Baf -BWSne 
#upper figure column1
gmt subplot set 0,0
gmt grdimage @earth_relief_01s -R-20/20/-20/20+uk -JM-106.9563713/34.05913412/30c -Cregion.cpt
gmt coast -I1/5.0p -Ccyan+r 
gmt plot emrtcB.txt -W3p 
gmt plot $seismisc << EOF
-106.974167 34.165501 
-106.965202 33.937 
gmt plot $bcdsite << EOF
-106.9563713 34.05913412
gmt inset begin -DjTL+w4.5c+o0.25
gmt basemap $insetRegion $insetProj -Bwesn 
gmt coast $insetRegion $insetProj $coastmisc 
gmt plot $insetRegion $insetProj $xymisc << EOF 
-106.956 34.059 
gmt inset end
gmt legend -DjTR+w5.5c+o0.5c -F+gwhite+pthicker << EOF
H 18p,Times-Roman Legend
D 0.25c 1p
S 0.4c a 0.5c yellow       0.25p 0.75c Blue Canyon Dome
S 0.4c i 0.5c blue  0.25p 0.75c Seismometer
S 0.4c - 0.5c red  4.0p 0.75c Rio Grande Rift

echo "start lower figure"
#lower figure column1
gmt subplot set 0,1 
gmt grdimage bcd_grid.nc $region $proj -Ibcd_toponorm.nc -Cbcd_topo.cpt
# plot legend
gmt legend -DjTR+w5.5c+o0.5c -F+gwhite+pthicker << EOF
H 18p,Times-Roman Legend
D 0.25c 1p
S 0.3c c 0.4c yellow   0.25p 0.75c Monitoring Wells
S 0.3c a 0.4c red   0.25p 0.75c Ground Zero

# plot well head points
gmt plot wellsgeo.txt $wellmisc
gmt plot $gzmisc << EOF
-106.9563713 34.05913412
#plot north arrow
gmt coast $region -W0 -TdjTL+w3.5c+o0.5c+f1+l,,,N -F+gwhite+pthicker -Vd
gmt subplot end
gmt end show

bcd_gmt.txt (3.5 KB)

Check the above line. I use this instead again (
gmt grdimage bcd_grid.nc $region $proj -Ibcd_toponorm.nc -Cbcd_topo.cpt
) and I get both figure.

@Esteban82 I don’t see the change you made?

I think that there is a problem in this line (maybe in the generation of the grid):

gmt grdimage bcd_grid.nc $region $proj -Ibcd_toponorm.nc -Cbcd_topo.cpt

I replace it with this (in the full script) and I get a second plot (just the frame)

gmt basemap $region $proj -Baf

It is hard to know exactly because I don’t have the data file.