Would you consider enabling a module that allows one to write math easily?
E.g. Discourse math.
It looks very useful.
SOEST IT has added the plugin - feel free to test it (I have not).
Does not render;
Inline test; $E=mc^2$
The link in my original post says: This plugin is disabled by default, after installing be sure to enable it via site settings. So maybe not enabled?
I don’t see the math plugin on the “Plugins” (https://flint.soest.hawaii.edu/admin/plugins) page.
Very strange.
Our SOEST It people did add it, then I had trouble accessing the server, and perhaps he made some changes. Server has been up but no math. I sent am email to him before Xmas but I suspect buried in holiday breaks etc. I will see if I can get a reply.
Any news?