Cross-sections with pygmt.project


I am new to pygmt and would like to plot a cross-section with the new pygmt.project functionality. I can reproduce this example but instead of plotting earthquake locations, I would like to plot a 2-D section through a 3-D model, e.g. S362ANI using the S362ANI_kmps netCDF file, which can be downloaded here.

What would be the easiest way of passing the shear-wave velocities in S362ANI on to pygmt.project? I believe some interpolation is required as well?

    center=[100, -6.0], # A
    endpoint=[104.0, -2], # B
    width=[-100, 100],

will throw:
project [ERROR]: No data columns to work with - exiting

I tried to pass on an ASCII file with columns “longitude”, “latitude”, “depth”, “vs”, which does not throw an error but is empty.

Regarding the plotting, I assume I will have to use pygmt.grdimage() using instead of pygmt.plot() as done in the Sumatra earthquake location example linked above.

Really appreciate any help with this!

project does not handle grids. if you want a slice out of a 3-D netcdf cube then grdinterpolate is the one.