Gmtspatial giving inf for area and centroid postition

I’m having an issue with gmtspatial when calculating area and centroid.

To generate the problem:

gmt grdcut -RNO @earth_relief_10m
gmt grdcontour -D%c_cont.gmt -C100
gmt gmtspatial C_cont.gmt -Q+h+c10 > C_cont_red.gmt
csplit --elide-empty-files --quiet --prefix=split_ C_cont_red.gmt "/>/0" "{*}"

If we take a look at the 24th split-file, we have inf in the header, for both area and centroid :

cat split_24
> 700 contour -Z700 -Znan (area) -inf/-inf (centroid) CW
12.0833333333	79.4166667461	700
12.0833336	79.4166666667	700
12.0833333333	79.4166666368	700
12.0833332522	79.4166666667	700
12.0833333333	79.4166667461	700

The area is very small. Any idea what is causing this?