Hi GMT community!
I’ve got some issues with the illumination option of psxy. I’ve got some polygons to plot and I would illuminate them to simulate shadow from the DEM.
Here’s a part of the code:
#Create a simple illumination from the DEM
gmt grdgradient $mnt -Gilu.grd -R9.5/10.54/39.7/40.6 -A33 -Nt1
#Use topography as background for non covert zone by polygons
gmt grdimage $mnt -R9.5/10.54/39.7/40.6 -JM17 -Ccolor.cpt -Iilu.grd -K > $plot
#Add polygon
gmt psxy $geol_basalte -R -JM -Gp26+fblack+borange+r300 -W0.5 -Iilu.grd -O -K >> $plot
With psxy, I tried -I-1 or -I1 and I can see my color change from darker to whiter but equally in all the polygons. I would like to have variations with shading like with a grdimage.
Is it possible to do that with a psxy and the -I option or is it a lost cost ?
Sorry for my english ^^