Time format

I have just found out that -i option in psxy could save me some awk commands on my data file; but I get an issue with the way the date is written in that file.
The date is for example 2024.222X
I tried --FORMAT_DATE_IN=yyyy.jjj? or yyyy.jjj%s
What would be the right way?

By the way, as my data file comes from a grep command, I could also get the date from column 0 which is like
if I knew how to describe to GMT what follows the slash.
Is that possible?

It looks fine. Do you get any messages? Do you have a real example to prove it?

I don’t think so. Maybe you could add a column separator so GMT could avoid that. You could use sed or awk. I hope you find it useful.

Actually you’re right.
I eventually tried
echo "2024.222X\n" | gmt info --FORMAT_DATE_IN=yyyy.jjj -fT -C
and GMT answered 2024-08-09T00:00:00 without taking care of what follows the given format.
So my issue of getting no points on the map is somewhere else :slight_smile: .
As for leading strings, I can deal with them. I wanted to be sure of not missing some tip whch makes the work easier.